Thursday, October 18, 2012


Oh, crap I'm tired. Not sure what's keeping me awake these days. Weird dreams. Need more sleep.

So, we're watching PBS in the morning. I figure it doesn't count as "TV" if it's PBS, right? I mean it's educational and all that stuff. Yay crappy parenting. I know, I should be up bright and early, reading to the minions as they wake up. Getting in a crafts session before breakfast . . .

Bite me.

Anyhoo, I'm writing away and kinda half-listening to PBS. They are, apparently, doing a one-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-other game. Isn't that a Sesame Street rip-off?

I digress.

So, the four pictures they are showing are of a dog, a tiger, a dolphin and a donkey. Now, which of these is not like the other?

The answer, according to PBS, is the tiger.

Sonwun and I both guessed the dolphin. The dolphin is a water creature. The dog, tiger and donkey live on land.

But tiger, PBS argues (or they would if they were actually in my living room instead of just on the TV) starts with the letter "T" while the others start with "D."

As I had been typing at the time, I asked Sonwun if they showed only a picture, or if the picture included the written name of the animal. He said picture only. 

So, as far as I'm concerned, while both answers are correct, my answer, and Sonwun's answer, was more correct.

And ya know, at least I acknowledge the PBS answer is ALSO correct. PBS only gave one answer and did not even acknowledge the other. Shame, shame, shame.

That's all I've got. I'm tired.

Have a good Thursday. Sleep in tomorrow if you can.


  1. There are just no words . . .

    And if they're watching Super Why I count it as "someone" reading to them!
