Thursday, October 11, 2012

House of Cards

So, back to renovations.

I forget where we were last I spoke of them. But currently underway is the bedroom/laundry room downstairs. The rec room is on hold pending flooring funding. And, with Neomom taking a few days off, we attacked the bedroom yesterday. Tore out studs, pulled out wiring . . . all that good stuff. Sure, half of the downstairs is dark right now, but it won't be long because we're putting in a concentrated effort to complete this area.

At least we were.

Another area in need of some work is the upstairs bathroom. But that's on the back burner because it just doesn't seem critical.

At least it didn't.

Yeah, after making a fine start to the downstairs demolition, we returned home last night to find the upstairs toilet was leaking a little. And thus, the house of cards that is renovations, has shifted.

You see, I think all the toilet upstairs needs is a new wax ring. But it also needs a new floor (always has, nothing to do with the leak). So, why take up the toilet and NOT put in the new floor. Oh, and the countertop on the vanity needs replacing as well. So, if we're taking up the toilet, we might as well do the floor. And if we're doing the floor, we'll have to move the vanity. And if we have to move the vanity, we might as well replace the countertop. And the green grass grew all around, all around and the green grass grew all around.

This is the renovation house of cards. I learned about it shortly after I bought my first home. 

Again, it was a bathroom. And the tub needed recaulking. So, I ripped out the old caulking and thought, you know, this needs a new tub-surround. So I took it to the next level and began prepping for the tub-surround. I then learned that the drywall around the tub area needed updating. One thing led to another, and soon I was pulling off the baseboard behind the toilet. The hammer slipped and shattered the toilet base. 

Before I knew it, a simple caulking job became a complete bathroom renovation - new toilet, new vanity, new sink, new tub surround and the green grass grew all around, all around and the green grass grew all around.

I'm hoping . . . and praying, that I can end this one with JUST a new floor, wax ring and countertop.

Will let you know.

Have a better Thursday than I will.

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