Sunday, October 7, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving, once again.

So, I guess I should probably just follow suit and list 10 things for which I am thankful. (See, I almost said "10 things I am thankful for." Bad, wrong. This is why we write for no good reason. Just to practice.)

Oh yeah, 10 things . . .

1. I am thankful for my family. And by that I mean not only my wife and my boys, but my brothers, sisters and mother. So happy to spend this day with Neomom, Sonwun and Sontoo. Would be nice if I could be with my brothers, sisters, their spouses and kids, grandkids and all of that too. But not this year. Still galactically (looked it up, pretty sure it's spelled right) thankful they are in my life and only a phone call away when needed.

2. Thankful to be living in the Great White North. It's not a perfect country, but it's pretty damn good. Grab a beer and join me in a toast!

3. Thankful for the awesome summer I had with the boys and the Mrs. Thankful we all LOVE camping. Something I hope to share with them for a long, long, seriously long time to come.

4. Thankful someone suggested it was possible to backdate a blog, so that it looks like I'm keeping up with Blogtober. Even more thankful I figured out how to do it.

5. Thankful for the Wii on rainy days.

6. Thankful for Robinson Dill Pickles and what they represent.

7. I'm thankful for Words with Friends. I've always loved Scrabble, and now I can play it with my friends and family in a convenient and fun way! Awesome. 
Guess I should expand this one a little. While technology has its good and bad points, today I choose to be thankful for it. The internet, Skype, email all the good stuff that lets me stay in touch in a bigger way with family and friends and we move from place to place.
And, on days like today, I can blog, keep track of my Fantasy Football team, play Words with Friends with my sisters and mom and rule the seas in Battle Pirates . . . all at once!

8. I'm thankful for humour. In almost all of its forms. 

9. I'm thankful that the guy who's hosting today's Thanksgiving Dinner makes his own beer . . . and loves to share it!

10. And finally, I'm thankful that I could come up with this list. Given the time, I know I could come up with a meaningful top 100 instead of this random 10. And for that, I am also thankful.

Have a great turkey day! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. I fell behind on blog reading : ( Catching up now. I really like this post. Especially post-Thanksgiving! Cheers.
