Saturday, October 20, 2012


All righty. The cat's out of the bag, so I can let you in on the fact that my dear wife has left me.

For a week, relax.

As I write this, Neomom is boarding a plan for Ontario. A little visit to her mom and dad and sister. Much needed, long overdue and, most importantly, child-free.

Kids are wonderful and all that stuff, but every once in a while, it's nice to try to remember who YOU are beyond mommy, or daddy. Neomom needs it, we had the reward miles to make it happen, so game on.

And that means, I have the minions all to myself for 7 days. Break out the Kraft Dinner and Baked Beans. And that's not because I hate cooking. It's because the minions are not exactly connoisseurs. And I hate spending the time to cook something awesome, only to hear it described as yucky, or too spicy. Hey, it's chipotle, it's delicious, drink some milk.

So I'm on my own. Tonight, pizza for supper. Why? Cause it's easy and they'll eat it. See above.

No major plans for the week, other than survival. Oh, and speaking of stress, as of yesterday I am 150 days cigarette free. Yay me. Think I got it licked this time. 

Anyhoo, not much else to tell you. I'm sure the next 7 days will provide a little blog fodder. Stay tuned and have a great rest of Saturday. Ain't much left.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the cooking! Spending time in the kitchen cooking something new and delicious and time consuming to make only to have to force them to eat enough to stay alive is so very frustrating.

    Congrats on kicking the smokes!
