Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A few of my favourite things . . .

Blogtober . . . day 2 . . . dammit!Okay, so let's start with something really exciting. 

Went for a walk yesterday.

I'll pause here and let you catch your breath.

Yeah, I know, but it's something I really need to do more often. Something Sontoo needs to do more often: get outside, get some exercise, pick up bugs, throw rocks and run, run, run, run, run. It's what he does, and better that he does it out on the jogging trail, than in Walmart, or COOP.

For me, a Fall walk is a chance to walk on crunchy leaves, smell the cooling air, pull out the ol' camera and reacquaint myself with one of my first loves, photography. And photography, like walks in the woods, are something I need to do more often to feed my soul.

The soul has taken a bit of a beating this year. So I think it's important for me to take everything that feeds my soul, and take as much of it as I can, as often as I can.
 So, let's see. What else makes me smile?

I like writing. Which is why, in spite of my whining, I'm secretly enjoying Blogtober. Gives me an excuse to make time to do this.

I like hugs from my sons. Not the obligatory, quick squeeze. But the full-on I-Love-You-Daddy hugs.
 I like playing poker with "the boys." Now, "the boys" have changed many times over the years, but the camaraderie, good-natured, beer-fuelled ball busting remains pretty much the same. I'm not sure why it's so universal among men. But it is. And it's fun.

Slo-pitch. I like it. The older I get, the more it hurts, but I like it anyway. Haven't really played in a league now for three years or so. I miss it. Must look harder next year.

I like hunting. It's basically a Fall walk, with my dog, and a gun instead of a camera. No, I don't get wonderful pictures to look at, but sometimes I get to bring home supper. And that's kinda cool.

Anyhoo, that's enough for today. Must save time to do one of my favourite things, after doing some of my less-that-favourite things.

Here are a few of yesterday's pics. Have a great Tuesday.

I like to call this one "Prickly Thing Among Other Fall Stuff"
Not sure how I came up with the name.

And this one is
"Really Cool Light Study, Which You'd Understand Better If I Hadn't Deleted The Other One
That Had The Same Subject With Different Lighting."

"Boy Following Through After Throwing Rock.
Note How He Keeps Eye On Target. Will Make Good Hunter Some Day."

And finally, I've entitled this one,
"Energetic Boy Running Away From Father"
(You may have to click on the picture to make it larger to see said boy. He's in a green shirt.)

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