Thursday, October 4, 2012

Keep going . . .

Blogtober, day 3.

And a happy Wednesday to you all . . . hump day . . . celebrate as you see fit.

So, how many of you take the time to brown, or sear, your pot roast before pot roasting it? And no, this isn't going anywhere, I was just wondering.

Well, today is playgroup day, so must pack up Sontoo and head on over. But before I go . . .

As I sit here, staring blankly at the keyboard, I am considering the fact that I promised to blog, daily, for the month of October. And I'm considering how many times I've promised to blog daily, or at least more often, and failed on both accounts.

So, is Blogtober a good exercise? Not sure yet.

I mean, it does make me examine my life in search of something fun, interesting, or annoying to write about . . . daily.

It forces me to take the mundane and attempt to make it interesting. 

And, if I remember correctly, at one of the newspaper conferences I attended years ago, that was the kind of exercise we were encouraged to do. 

"Write about an apple," we were told. 

Boring subject, make it interesting.

Write about my daily life . . . see above.

(Okay, here's an example of why this is a good exercise. I just mulled over the order of the words above. Should it be "Write daily about my life," or "Write about my daily life?") What do you think? Did I go with the right one?

Anyhoo, I have just decided this is an exercise worth doing. So I will attempt to catch up and complete the month on schedule. 

That is all. 


  1. Yes! Trust me. You will be amazed. I'll be reading faithfully!

  2. Write DAILY. That way you will keep me amused. How did the pot roast turn out? I don't sear first

  3. Thanks Anon!
    Pot roast turned out awesome. And I don't sear either (neither?)
