Friday, October 5, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

Snow. October 5th and there's snow on the ground. Ugh.

Can't say I was ready for this just yet. I like it best when my kids don't have to follow me, with the snowblower, around the neighbourhood for Halloween. Don't get me started on Thanksgiving.

I'm not impressed. But Sontoo, the early riser, is. 

"It snowed, Daddy," he says, standing at the front window in his Cars undies, Guardian Cat at his side. "It's Christmas!"


It's not one of those gentle, fluffy little snowfalls either. The wind is howling, the snow is wet and feels like ice pellets burrowing into your face. The poor leaves, many of them still green, are clinging to the trees for dear life.

It is not, however, without its moments. Like when I let the dog out to pee this morning. She ran through the garage, as she always does. Straight out the door at full speed. And when her front paws hit the snow, they stopped dead. Her back feet caught up and she almost completed a somersault. (Had to check the spelling on that. Had it right. Weird.) (Oh, and that reminds me. Weird is a weird word too. 'I' before 'E' except after 'C', right? But not with weird. Which I guess makes sense.)

Oh, and here's my Blogtober blogging tip of the month. Ready?

Don't make pancakes and blog at the same time, unless your computer is right beside the stove, where you can keep an eye on the pancakes. Mine is not. 

So, happy Thanksgiving weekend! Special thanks to the School Board which, in its infinite wisdom, decided to make this a four-day weekend instead of just the average three-day holiday weekend. And I mean, fair enough. Teachers have been hard at work for almost a whole month now. Time for a little break.

May your turkey be moist,
Your potatoes lumpless,
May your gravy be smooth, 
And your stuffing so sumptuous (Come on, it's close. I know you were wondering how I'd rhyme lumpless.)

May Thanksgiving find you,
with family to be
and if not
you must work for 
the RCMP

Cheers. Have a great weekend.


  1. I made pancakes today too! We should have had a cook off. Mine were fluffy, and not at all burned. mwahahaha

    Snow blows.

  2. Wait wait wait, pancakes have their own label on your blog? haha!
