Sunday, October 21, 2012


So, I think I mentioned earlier that I am participating in Blogtober festivities mostly for the writing exercise.

Well, I think I'm going to expand that a little by taking part in NaNoWriMo. Stands for National Novel Writing Month and it runs from November 1 to November 30.

I gotta be honest. It may be a bigger bite than I can chew. 

I'm not one of those people who has always believed they have a great idea for a novel. I don't. I really don't. I read a fair bit, I enjoy a good novel, or blog, or news story . . .

Anyway, I'm still learning the finer points of NaNoWriMo participation, but the gist of it is that I must write daily and, by the end of the month, must produce a novel that is 50,000 words long, or longer. (That breaks down to about 1,666 words per day.) I have signed up on the web site and will begin writing on November 1. 

According to the web site, I need to tell everyone I know that I'm participating.

"This will pay big dividends in Week Two," the site tells me, "when the only thing keeping you from quitting is the fear of looking pathetic in front of all the people who’ve had to hear about your novel for the past month."

If nothing else, I like the attitude.

Anyhoo, today's Day 2 of an all-male household. We're out of cereal, out of bread and must go shopping later today. So, after a breakfast of dry frosted something-or-other, we'll just kinda sit around and anticipate an afternoon of football. Maybe we'll play some video games. Then, we'll watch football and eat chips. A post-game discussion will follow, supper of chicken wings (not too spicy, I know) and then maybe a movie.

Just kidding dear. As soon as the boys wake up, we'll go for a brisk and vigorous walk, followed by a nutritious fruit-filled breakfast. Church after that, swimming in the afternoon with a vegetable-laden supper to follow.

Have a great Sunday! Go Packers!

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