Friday, January 20, 2012

Short one

Gonna be a short one this morning, I think.

Neomom and I hired a babysitter last night to celebrate the end of a six-day shift, to celebrate Thursday and to celebrate, um, hiring a babysitter.

Problem is, we don't get out much and when we do we tend to go a little overboard. Such was the case last night. Ended up leaving the truck at the bar.

Yesterday we were talking about our "life before." She went rock climbing, I went golfing, we went camping, fishing, kayaking. Haven't done a whole lot of that stuff since the kids arrived. But it'll be back, I keep telling myself. 

Anyhoo, while it's nice to leave the kids at home once in a while, I still wouldn't trade 'em . . . most days.

Sontoo, who's almost four now, reminded me why in the middle of the night. I wasn't sleeping well, so I was sitting in the rec room reading a book. At 4 a.m., I heard his little feet hit the floor upstairs. Unusual. He tends to sleep in until at least 5:30.

I reached over and turned off the lamp, just in case he decided to make his way downstairs. This usually works. He'll see that no one's up and then just head back to bed.

But this morning, he came down the stairs, in the pitch dark, and made his way to where he often finds me. He stopped just before entering the rec room . . . "Dad?"

His sweet little sleepy voice melted my resolve. 

"Come here buddy."

Dragging his favourite teddy bear, Owen, he crawled up on the couch, snuggled under my blanket and under my arm. And then he fell asleep again.

I love that. Wouldn't trade it for a round of 18 at Glenn Abby or a fly-in fishing trip to Lake of the Woods. It's simply one of the best things in my world.

Have a great Friday, and a great weekend.

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