Friday, January 13, 2012

Life Ain't Fair

Well, apparently the whole disparage-the-Mom thing is a universal hot button.

Spent a little too much time yesterday fielding calls from India. Not angry calls, per se, but certainly more than the average number. Whoever it was I pissed off the day before apparently has the power to put my phone number on the top of the list - repeatedly. Lucky me.

I actually considered, briefly, changing my phone number.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, check yesterday's post. Pretty self-explanatory.

And while we're on the topic of yesterday's post, I feel I should apologize. The language was a little too colourful and my conversation with "Bill" was really outside of my character. But I was pissed off. He interrupted my baking. That's my only explanation.

Anyhoo, I don't recommend following my lead. Don't antagonize, don't suggest their moms are involved in compromising positions. Just creates more trouble. Hang up on them, leave it at that.

You should also know that, if you live in Manitoba anyway, it's impossible to block their calls. Something about them using the internet to make calls, which can not be blocked by Manitoba Telephone Service. Who knew?

A friendly and helpful MTS representative told me yesterday that my only option, if I wanted to make the calls stop, was to change my phone number and change it to an unlisted one.

Gotta say it ticks me off, again, that criminals in another country, so far away, can do this crap with impunity. I mean, they are obviously screwing over enough people, who don't know any better, to make their little game profitable. It just ain't right.

But life ain't fair, so I've been told.

Anyway, it's Friday (the 13th). Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Friday the 13th. I wish you a call free day : ) Really, that sounds brutal! I'm sure an unlisted # is looking attractive... We are getting our first snow today - blowing and wild.
