Friday, February 10, 2012

Trash Talkin' Boo

It's not enough to win. You gotta hammer it home with a little trash talk.

So sayeth Sontoo.

Had a lot of work to do Thursday; shopping, bread making, room painting. And Neomom had some painting of her own to do. And, after Sonwun's departure for school, that left Sontoo to fend for himself. To his credit, he spent some time with conventional toys in the morning, before succumbing to Mario's beckoning from the Wii.

The game du jour is MarioParty 8 - a recent acquisition. I like it. It's simple enough that Sontoo can play, it's interesting enough to keep Sonwun entertained and you can play one through four players at a time. Nice.

But as with everything in an almost-four-year-old's life, he offers a running commentary as he plays. If no one is in the room, he'll find you to report on his progress. Or he'll just yell loud enough that everyone in the house can hear.

"Daaaadaaa . . . It's mini game time!"

"Daaaadaaa . . . that plant is bad, because that plant ate me!"

"Daaaadaaa, I'm mad at Peach, cause she won this battle!"

"I'm zappin' Peach. (Maniacal laughter) That was funny!"

"Daaadaa . . . Boo and Yoshi are getting chased away by Big King Boo!"

I guess you have to have played some of the Mario games to appreciate the names.

In any case, Sontoo, who uses the Luigi character whenever he plays, seems to have decided that Boo is his nemesis on this particular day. He is upset when Boo wins and overjoyed when he defeats him.

"Too bad Boo-Boo Head!"

Yeah, the trash talk needs a little work.

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