Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hump Day. Day 3 of single parenting. Day 3 of feeling like crap.

But, in spite of it all, I'm seeing a couple of things that make me smile.

First off, Sonwun. Yesterday he woke up and realized it was Valentine's Day. We'd spent the previous evening filling out little Spiderman Valentine's cards for his classmates. There were five left over from the 28-pack.

One of the first things he did in the morning was disappear into the kitchen and return a few moments later with a Valentine for his little brother. To Nick, From David. That warmed my heart in a big way. 

For the last few years, he's refused to accept, as a friend, his younger brother. Sure, he'll play with him when there's nothing else to do, but he does the eldest sibling thing, ensuring he always wins the games, changes the rules of the games and ends the games when something better comes along. 

For a while, he often said stuff like, "I love mommy and I love daddy and I love Sabra (the dog) and I love Ollie (cat) and I love Paws (cat) and I love Puffy (cat)." 

And that's where it would stop. It broke my heart a little that, even with prompting, he wouldn't add Sontoo to the list. 

But he seems to be coming around. In the past, he would have filled out the first Valentine for me. With a little pushing, he might have grudgingly made one for Sontoo. But Sontoo got the first one yesterday morning and I was the afterthought. I'm good with that.

His maturity level just seems to be soaring these days. This morning, before breakfast, he asked if he could make his own lunch. Between my coughing fits (the latest phase of the plague) I gratefully granted permission. And he did a great job. Ham sandwich, juice, banana and a couple of treats.

After breakfast, he did his chores. Okay, that took a little prompting and then a little reminding. But when he was done making his bed, feeding the dogs and getting his backpack ready for school, (the chores) he cleaned up the front hall (he'd made the mess) and then cleaned up the living room before school. And when it was time to go, he helped his brother zip up his coat. All without being asked.

Guess I better enjoy this stuff while it lasts. And I am enjoying it.

Have a great Wednesday.

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