Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm Superman

Congratulate me. I'm Superman.

The title was bestowed upon me recently by "the gweatest Superhero ever," Batman.

Batman, it seems, has replaced my eldest son. He has become the Caped Cwusader and the Dark Knight. He's quite adamant about it. He has Batman pajamas, complete with cape, Batman socks and he insists on reading Batman books at bed time. His "school shirt," which must be clean each and every preschool day, is, of course, a Batman shirt.

Until recently, Sonwun was Spiderman and the rest of the family remained mortal but, for reasons known only to the Dark Knight, he switched loyalties, personas and pajamas around Christmas.

It's a little confusing for Sontoo, who has just mastered everyone's name and was quite proud of it. I've heard him being chastised at the dinner table for saying "Hewo Sonwun."

"I'm not Sonwun, I'm Batman."

"Hewo Sonwun." (He's big into repeating stuff.)


Neomom, by the way, has been dubbed Batwoman and Sontoo has been promoted to Robin.

I'm the only one outside of the Bat family, but I think Superman is a pretty good title. I just wish Batman would stop questioning my superpowers.

"Can you lift that bus daddy?"

"Just one?"

"Can you lift that hotel daddy."

"Not sure, never tried."

"Can you lift 10 busses daddy?"

"Look, a puppy."

I picked up a few Batman videos recently for my Caped Cwusader, and he's been enjoying them. I got the cartoon ones, as I figured the live-action ones would be a little too scary just yet. But even the cartoons are a little spooky. He seems to be handling them okay, although he does want Superman by his side when he views them. Batwoman is on night shift this week and we wait until Robin has gone to bed before viewing.

The next evolution, I'm sure, will be a request for a bat utility belt and I'm not sure it's a good idea. Sonwun has always been a big fan of throwing things around the house, and tying things together (Sontoo included) so I'm a little leery about handing over a belt with a grappling hook and Batarangs.

Anyhoo, it's playgroup day today. Batwoman has a lot of homework to do, so it will just be Batman, Robin and Superman attending.

Right now, I must concentrate on being faster than a speeding bullet, leaping tall buildings in a single bound and making pancakes for breakfast.

Such is the life of a superhero.

Happy Hump Day. Celebrate as you see fit.


  1. Interesting...

    Red is a knight (complete with hockey helmet, hockey stick horse and broom jousting stick)...and HIS dad was demoted from King to Princess in response to a scolding....

    Guard your title well Superman...

  2. Pancakes? Surely you are not referring to a certain DSH thread are you?

    The shame!

  3. Actually, the DSH thread is referring to this event. No shame.
