Monday, January 11, 2010

Cabin Fever

Well, Happy Monday!

I'm afraid cabin fever is setting in. And it's only January.

But it all kinda got kicked into high gear when Neomom was away for three days last week, two of which were supposed to have been days off.

There's been snow on the ground since mid-October, it's been too cold to be outside most of the time, the boys are going a little nuts and if I have to play one more game of Candy Land, you may just find me running through the Gumdrop Pass with a rifle, on my way to the Peppermint Forest to hunt for Lord Licorice, cause he pisses me off. Miss a turn my ass. YOU miss a turn.

But, um, I digress, or something.

In an effort to stave off the insanity and excitement of laundry, shopping, dishes, cleaning, laundry, shopping, dishes, cleaning, I've read the two books I got for Christmas. One was a James Patterson novel (entertaining as always) and the other was Andre Agassi's autobiography, OPEN.

Agassi's book was interesting and very readable. And, thank goodness, it was not a whiny celebrity, blame-it-on-everyone-but-yourself kind of thing. It just came across as a description of a part of one man's journey through life. Yes, a somewhat extraordinary life, but with the same common, base problems as everyone else.

We've all got obstacles to deal with, we've all got to find the tools with which to overcome the obstacles. Some of us have bigger obstacles, some of us have better tools to deal with them.

I don't want to spoil anything for any of you who might like to read it, so I won't elaborate a great deal. Overall, good book. Very readable and very interesting to me, one who was a big tennis fan during much of Agassi's heyday.

That being said, as with any celebrity autobiography, I would now love to read the autobiographies of the folks mentioned in Agassi's book, just to see how they interpreted the same events and time frame. Just want a more complete picture.

Well, that's all I've got for today. More laundry to fold. Oh, and the Mini Pops? Those annoying prepubescent kids who are recorded singing popular songs of the day? I hate the commercials for their CDs. It just seems one step down on the white-trashometer from the child beauty pagents. One more commercial of them dancing and singing songs they can't begin to understand, and I'm gonna put my foot through the TV. That, or whoever's responsible for them will join Lord Licorice on my hit list.

Happy Monday.


  1. The Mini Pops commercials are ICKY and I can't imagine snow since October. Bleh. I can understand your cabin fever!

  2. Hey, nice blog. I, too, am a former journalism guy who is now staying home with my 1-year-old son in Georgia. It is an adjustment for sure. But it's great, nonetheless.
