Tuesday, October 8, 2013


10 minutes until the end of Blogtober 7th. No pressure.

Um, let's see. Oh, right.

Sontoo lost his first baby tooth today. Yay, excitement and all that stuff.

I feel a little bad, cause there just wasn't the same fanfare for him as there was for Sonwun. When he lost his first tooth, at the age of barely 4 I think, we pretty much threw a party. There was a video, high fives all around, a call from the Prime Minister . . .

Well, maybe not all of that. But it was very exciting because it wasn't just HIS first baby tooth lost, it was ours, as parents, as well. Sontoo's older brother has now lost at least 7 teeth (six naturally, one cause he was a little slower than the swing). So we're kind of accustomed to the whole losing a baby tooth thing. Sonwun even introduced us to the whole breaking-of-an-adult-tooth fiesta. But that's another blog.

The point is, I recognized, seconds after I'd helped the tooth out of his mouth, that it was just a chore now. Put it in the bag, set aside for tooth fairy, move on. I had to remind myself to take a picture. And I felt a little guilty.

With Sonwun, we had the video rolling before the tooth came out. We followed him to the mirror where he looked at his gap-tooth smile with awe. He was quite excited!

And I guess I console myself with the fact that Sontoo looked at the event a little like I did. He was a little matter-of-fact about it, didn't demand a photo, didn't suggest we call mom at work. But I still feel a little guilty.

Anyhoo, we're two minutes in to Blogtober 8. We'll call it a win. Have a great Tuesday.


  1. Wait, what? You're saying that the milestones of subsequent kids need to have the same amount of fanfare as the first kid's firsts? For serious?

    I mean . . . uh, of course. Duh.
