Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Caught up on Blogtober

You know, blogging ain't what it used to be, and I think I know why.

It's about the mind. And mine is less focussed than it used to be. Too much stuff in my face in the morning. TV news is on. Kids are wanting to show me stuff, too many windows open on the computer. No wonder I can't think straight.

And I guess that's what Blogtober is all about. By forcing ourselves to write daily (or as close to it as we can), we can figure out why we stopped blogging daily. I mean, I had a good run going for a while, when I first started. It was easy, the subject matter came easily. Ideas flowed. It was cool and I liked it.

But enough about that. (Shuts down distractions.)

So Sonwun, the elder, came home last night intent on hitting the streets for Unicef. Fortunately, I had resisted an urge earlier in the day to toss his pledge sheet in the garbage. Yay me.

I guess the whole competition (the class that raises the most gets a fabulous prize) works for kids his age. Fair enough. Unicef has been at this for many years. I'm sure they know just how to suck the maximum amount of money out of school children and their victims.

One more negative. I just don't like this approach. Kids hit the streets and basically beg for cash. They're not selling anything. They just take their sweet little faces to the doors of my unsuspecting neighbours and ask for money.

Now that being said, I was proud of Sonwun. It's not easy to go door-to-door asking, essentially, strangers for money. Especially if your father's rolling his eyes and muttering the whole time.

But he did it. And he raised $47 for the cause. What's more, he filled up his pledge sheet and was hoping the teacher would give him another one today so that he could continue raising money tonight.

I admire his bravery. I admire his commitment. 

Still not wild about these folks using my kid.

Have a great Tuesday.

(See? One screen on computer, TV off, kids locked in their cages. So much easier to blog!)


  1. No you know why?

    I'm going to tell you. You're welcome.

    It's because of facebook, twitter, texting, etc. People share all their ideas with other people as they come up, and then by the time one sits down to blog there is nothing "new" to blog about!

    Also, good for David!

  2. Um, I don't know how the "English" calendar works, but over here in the 'Mercas you've somehow managed to skip a day in Blogtober!
