Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blogtober 1th

Okay, it's October 1. Time to give in to the peer pressure from Keener Mom, and participate in the joy that is Blogtoberfest. 

I don't think it's a real thing. (Sound of googling) Okay, it's a real thing.

So yay, woohoo, let's begin.

It's 4:43 in the blessed a.m. and I've been up for about two hours. And I'm not happy about it. Been sleeping on the couch for a week and a half, as my mom's been visiting. Not complaining about that, mind you. It's been nice and it's over today. She's heading home.

I won't pretend I'm not happy to be getting my bed back, but I will miss mom. Sonwun and Sontoo like having her around and it's just been nice catching up, playing cribbage and just kinda hanging out. It's tough living so far from family, so it's nice to get together once in a while.

We capped off her visit last night with Christmas in September. Why? Why not? In the 12 years or so that we've been removed from family, Grammas and Grampas have faithfully sent gifts, but they rarely get to see the kids open them. Not fair. Part of the joy of giving, after all, is seeing the little faces light up when they tear through the paper and find "just what I always wanted."

While Gramma was out for her visit, she and Neomom took a trip to Winnipeg to do a little shopping and, rather than pay for shipping later, Gramma picked out Christmas presents for the boys. Then we decided she should see them open them. Thus, Christmas in September.

We cooked up a turkey, with all the trimmings and we feasted. I stuffed myself. Which is probably contributing to the insomnia.

Anyoo, gonna work my way into this Blogtoberfest slowly. So that's it's for today. Don't want to let all the magic happen on Day 1. 

Merry Boxing Day. And have a great Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Blogtober 1th? lol
    2. I can't believe you googled it and it's a real thing! I thought I made it up!
    3. Nice blog. Glad you had a fun Christmas!
