Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Space Ranger discovered hiding in Basement

This Santa stuff isn't as easy as I thought it would be.

I'm not sure if Sonwun is actively seeking and snooping or if he just got lucky . . . twice. The little bugger located a stash (presents people, stay with me) in daddy's closet last week. All wrapped or boxed, so no major damage done. We moved the booty to a more secure undisclosed location.

But last night he discovered the unwrapped, but bagged, stash in the basement. That was the stuff that was supposed to go under the tree. And it was that discovery that makes me believe he was looking.

I mean, as he tells it, he just wandered into the laundry room, in the basement, into the furthest, darkest corner and innocently started poking at a green garbage bag. And lo and behold, Buzz Lightyear started talking to him. Coulda happened to anyone, right?

He went running straight upstairs to Sontoo's bedroom, where Neomom was putting the little one to bed, and told her Buzz was in the basement. She yelled from upstairs and I worked damage control. Told him he was dreaming, accused him of being drunk and offered him chocolate.

I didn't say I was good at damage control.

We kept him out of the basement for the rest of the night and, this morning, I moved the stash once again, to a more secure and undisclosed location. I then filled a new green garbage bag with, well, garbage, and put it in the basement for him to discover this morning. And if I catch him, we'll open it together just so he can see that Daddy was right - he was dreaming, or drunk, or high on chocolate.

Anyway, three more sleeps until the big day. And Neomom was right. We should not have put the tree up so early. I was wrong, she was right, I was wrong, she was right.

Every time someone walks near it now, you can hear the sound of an ever-increasing spruce needle avalanche falling on the presents below. I vacuum twice a day and still can't keep up. I'm pretty sure that by Boxing Day, when we're hosting the big dinner, that tree is gonna be a big stick with lights on it.

Oh well, if that's my biggest problem at Christmas, I'm doing okay. Neomom has to work evenings on Christmas Eve and is on call Christmas Day. Join me in knocking on a big ol' piece of wood and pray for peace on Earth so that we can enjoy the big day (and the cooking chores) together.

Happy Tuesday!

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