Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas, Cold, Green Poop

I'll admit I'm suffering from a little writer's block, which is why I didn't fulfill my pledge to blog daily last week. And so, this morning, I decided to just sit down and write. I'm told that writer's write. We'll see where this goes.

It's Saturday and I find myself somewhat stumped yet again. It seems there's only one thing going on right now, and that's Christmas prep. We seem to have everything in order and the Christmas tree went up Thursday night without anything hilarious happening.

Sure, it's the ugliest little lopsided Charlie Brown Christmas tree we've ever had. But remember, it was free and I didn't have to order it six weeks in advance. And hey, with the lights and ornaments on it now . . . it looks like an ugly little lopsided tree with lights and ornaments.

In other news, three out of four of the occupants of this house seem to be fighting some sort of digestive bug. Things are not as solid as they usually are. That is causing some concern, but these things usually clear up on their own. Sonwun, however, after announcing his morning poop plans, headed upstairs and deposited something very green in the bowl. I'm talking cartoon green, bright green, electric lime green.

Experience has taught me to think back to what he ate in the last 24 hours. Blue icing on a birthday cake, for example, will often produce this kind of thing. But he didn't have any cake last night (I checked the fridge) and I have never seen this particular shade of green. It's practically glowing.

But he did have some grape pedialite (stuff for kids with diarrhea to restore electrolytic balance) and I suspect this is the result.

But this stuff was soooo green I was actually tempted to photograph it and make it today's picture. I don't think I'd even need a flash in the dark. But I'll spare you.

And finally, water's wet, the sky is blue and it's cold in Thompson, Manitoba in December. We're at a crisp -40C this morning, which, you might be interested to know, is where the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales meet. So it's also -40F. There is a windchill warning in effect as well, and we're currently sitting at -52C (-61.6F) with the windchill. So I think this will be an indoor kind of day for me and the boys.

So that's all I've got this morning. Have yourselves a great weekend!


  1. I don't believe that there is actually a place that gets that cold. Sure, I drained the water (yes water only) out of the radiator on my tractor last night, but it did get to 28F for the first time.

    Really, time to move Mike.

  2. I have a friend in Fort Providence, NWT, who woke up to -59 last week. So up here in the Great White North, it gets colder yet.

  3. can 'summer' in Gimli!!!

  4. Just so you know...the word verification for my previous comment was DUCKBRA

    Duck bra?
