Friday, November 20, 2009

Random Thoughts

Well Happy Friday.

Unfortunately, today is more like Monday for me. After one day off, Neomom starts a seven-day stretch at work today. Ugh.

On the plus side, it would appear Sonwun, Sontoo and I are all just about fully recovered from the sinus festivities that have plagued the house for the last week. A humidifier seems to have been the straw that broke the camel's back. We put it in Sontoo's room Wednesday night and have kept it going full bore since. And, in that time, Sontoo has not had a 3 a.m. wake-up call, I have not had a sore throat in the morning and Sonwun is coughing less.

Blah, blah, blah . . . boooring.

Truth is, nothing is pissing me off this morning and nothing particularly amusing happened yesterday. I'm a little stuck for a topic. As such, I offer the following random thoughts and information.

1. In Thompson, Manitoba today, right now, (6 a.m.) the temperature is -3C (26.6F) and we're headed for a high of +3C (37.4F). It's probably a good day to tackle the outdoor Christmas lights, before it gets too cold. I write this to make all of you "down south" feel better about your weather.

2. Sontoo, at just over 21 months of age, is starting to put together two-word sentences. He came up with the first one I recognized on Wednesday. "Kowa peas."

To those not familiar with his language skills, this means "Dear Father, provider of meatloaf and changer of dirty diapers, I am feeling artistic and would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to place me in my high chair and provide me with paper and a marker so that I may express myself."

The short version, of course, is "Colour please."

3. The children's television network Nickelodeon was recently added to the Bell channel lineup. It's kind of like Treehouse, but it has commercials. Not a fan. When Sonwun watches Dora, Diego or Magic School bus, he is bombarded with Christmas toy commercials and, every five minutes or so, I have to hear "Daddy, you have to see this. It's soooo cool! I need that."

Back to Treehouse for us. Or better still, time to turn off the boob tube. It's on too much anyway.

4. Neomom and I watched the new Star Trek movie last night. I'm no movie critic, so I'll just say we both enjoyed it. She wanted to see Zachary Quinto in the role of Spock, as she's a big fan of the television show Heroes. To be honest, I thought he was a little "mushy" in comparison to the actors that played Bones, Scotty and Kirk. They were excellent. Overall though, I loved the movie and recommend it, even if you're not a Trekky.

5. Next week should be interesting as Sonwun's full winter schedule kicks in. Monday is swimming lessons, Tuesday is preschool, Wednesday is playgroup and swimming lessons, Thursday is preschool and Friday is playgroup. Sontoo just likes to get out of the house and ride around in the van, so it's all good.

6. And finally, as I am offering up a rather boring post today, I'll redirect you to something more interesting. This site is written by a guy who answers internet classified ads and then messes with the advertiser's mind. I thought it was kinda funny and kinda twisted. Great way to start the weekend. Anyway, you can find the site by clicking here. Enjoy and have yourselves a great weekend!

Oh, and here is a picture of Sontoo, playing with Mr. Potato Head's glasses:

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