Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

Happy Tuesday!

A light snow fell last night, leaving about an inch on the ground and giving my world a nice, clean look. It's refreshing and it makes the Christmas lights on the house seem that much brighter.

This post, according to my stats keeper, is my 100th since I started keeping track on August 16th. Woohoo!

And in honour of this achievement, I thought I'd share the latest stats with you. I've mentioned before that watching the statistics has become a bit of an addiction. I'm fascinated to see where my readers are located, how often they visit, how they found me and how long they stay. I'd be even more fascinated to know why they read this, but my stats program can't tell me that one.

In any case . . . In my 3+ months of blogging, the site has had 1,129 visits. The average visitor read 1.94 pages and spent two minutes and 18 seconds doing it.

I've had visitors from 5 continents, 16 countries and 153 cities around the world. That blows my mind just a little bit. I will attempt to insert a map below. Hopefully it works. Each dot represents a city in which one of my visitors (or their internet service provider) lives. It also shows the top 10 cities from which my visitors come.

The most exotic, and surprising, visits came from India, Libya, Greece, Singapore, Sweden, Pakistan, Belgium, Iceland, Ireland, Finland, Brazil and Vietnam.

But, I must be honest. Most of those visits were, I believe, in error. These folks were looking for something else on the Internet and stumbled upon my site. Most bounced out without reading anything. However, my friend from Ireland hung out for a minute and read two pages. My friend from Brazil came back 9 times, but didn't read much, my friend from Greece read two pages and even left a comment and, finally, the one in Sweden hung out for eight and a half minutes and read four pages. Cool!

Another one of my favourite stats is the "keywords" used in google searches that found my site. Among my favourite searches are:

Trophy Husband costume

Tickling His Feet

Baby in Bathroom Blogspot

Liberal Morons

No Vaccines, Just Body Bags

Characteristics of a Trophy Husband

Crazy Swim Parents

How's Your Tummy

J Cloth

Kiwi and Diaper Rash

Wife Control Issues

and, finally, my all-time favourite . . .

Husband Not Putting Out

I have no idea how or why that last one led to my blog. I always put out.

Anyway, my clan is waking up and needs attention. So I must get to it.

Thank you all for visiting my blog. As I've said before, I write to keep myself amused and to keep my writing skills alive. And I am honoured that you all find it amusing enough to visit now and again.

Have a great day!

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