Monday, November 23, 2009

De-Clutter Day

Happy Monday!

Well, yesterday was de-clutter day in the Robinson home. With mom at work and the kids in a relatively good mood, I planned to pick up all that crap that gets misplaced around the house and put it in its proper place.

It's things like the extension cord on the kitchen counter. It was taken out of the basement for a very good reason, but it never made it back.

It's the socks and underwear (clean) on the buffet in the dining room. That's where I fold laundry, and these items are always the last to make it to the drawers, as I'm waiting for the next load of laundry in the dryer before I take them upstairs.

It's the paid bills on the desk that need to go in the filing cabinet and the mittens and hats that have been dumped by the back door instead of in the little drawers provided for that purpose. All that and so much more.

And it's the six boxes of Christmas lights on the kitchen counter. We bought them Friday and they'd been sitting there ever since. So that's where I started.

Putting them away didn't make much sense. Putting them up, while a pain in the butt, made more sense. And so I did.

It's a particularly large pain in the butt in a new home. When you've lived somewhere for a while, you've put them up before. You know where they go, you know how to hang them, you know of some minor improvements you wanted to make over last year's display.

The new house is a blank canvas, with no hooks, no wires left over from last year. And so I gathered my tools and all of the ladders, screws, wires, hooks and nails I thought I might need for the hanging and I set to work.

Between running inside to the basement for this, or that, and running inside to break up toy disputes between the boys, and running to Canadian Tire for more lights, the job took about four hours- my entire allotment of "extra" time.

But I think it looks nice. The photos I provided don't do them justice, as I am discovering I'm more than a little rusty in my night photography.

In any case, it's Monday - de-clutter the house day in the Robinson home. And now, in addition to the stuff listed above, I must include the work gloves on the kitchen counter, the light hangers on the kitchen island, two more extension cords in the living room and a great big mess in the basement, where I was digging to find some of the tools, cords, nails and wire that had been buried since we moved in.

Happy Monday!

Oh, and the picture at the top was kind of boring. Didn't do my work justice.

So I embellished, just a little below. Enjoy!


  1. Nice! Wouldn't the boys *LOVE* it if it looked like the bottom photo? LOL. LASERS!! Sick!!

  2. Looks good Mike!!! I like the laser show too - LOL
