Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Roomie

Okay, we're back. Following my wife's return, my writing fell behind a little bit. But I'd like to point out it's not my fault. My life has, once again, been turned upside down.

I mean it just makes sense, doesn't it. You spend two months adjusting to being the only parent in the home, the only adult, and then someone throws a roommate into the mix. And suddenly, I'm looking for things that are not where they are supposed to be.

Take the dishcloth. Where the hell is it? It is always properly rinsed folded between the two sinks. It is the logical location for a dishcloth. And now I find it crumpled in a ball BEHIND the sink. What kind of craziness is this?

And that critically important dishevelled piece of paper upon which I had carefully written the name and phone number of the CanSkate organizer in Thompson. The one I strategically placed over by the coffee maker, near the flour canister, under some tools, somewhere on the right. IT'S GONE! It's like somebody thought it was just a piece of scrap paper and threw it away!

And that pile of clothes on the hope chest at the end of the bed. The clothes I knew were clean and knew where to find them in the morning. They're gone too. Apparently someone thinks they belong in a closet, or a dresser, or who the hell knows where. Now getting dressed begins with a game of hide and seek.

The wrong bowls are being used at breakfast, the wrong fork is given to the child at lunch, the wrong beverage is supplied at mealtime (it's juice for breakfast, milk for lunch and supper dammit!) and the coats are being put in the wrong place after outings. Even the living room blinds are closed incorrectly. They should turn to the left, no the right. Was she born in a barn?

And damn, is it good to have mommy home!

It's Wednesday, and that means I have five more days of full-time partnership at home. I have enjoyed showers that last more than 45 seconds, I've fallen asleep on the couch at 7 p.m. without a care, or a doubt, that Sonwun would be put to bed. I've eaten a meal or two that I didn't prepare. And the ones I have prepared have been appreciated by an adult and not merely looked at and declared "yucky" by an unappreciative preschooler.

I have fixed an outlet, replaced defective parts in a flourescent light and replaced a light switch that had been bothering me since we moved in. On top of it all, I have slept nearly 8 hours a night, knowing there is another set of ears in the house that can hear and respond to a crying child.

And while I was accomplishing these small domestic chores, the floors were cleared of dog hair, the bathroom counters cleaned and two loads of laundry were done. And I had nothing to do with any of it. It's no wonder I'm sleeping at night.

My blood sugar levels are dropping and, who knows, maybe I'll even get back on the ol' treadmill today. We shall see. Gotta enjoy this while it lasts. Mommy's back to work on Monday. But at least she'll be home for dinner most nights.

In spite of the horrible mess she created, it's great to have her home!

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