Friday, May 1, 2009

Looks Good on Paper

Well, I've had my first read through the 100-page IRP (Integrated Relocation Program) manual. And at first blush, I gotta say it looks like the RCMP takes care of its people when they are forced to move.

It would appear that every expence is covered and members are compensated for the massive inconvenience of moving their families hundreds of kilometres to new and distant locales. That being said, it would also appear that there will be a fair bit of paperwork, a few meetings and a whole lot of receipt keeping. Fair enough.

As soon as we meet with the CRSP (Contracted Relocation Service Provider), we can put the house on the market. When it sells, we are entitled to a fully funded HHT (House Hunting Trip) to Thompson. Gas is covered, hotels are covered and food is covered. Still, it's an 8-hour drive with two kids under 4. Can't really say I'm looking forward to it.

Also fully covered is the moving van, when the time comes. A night or two at the hotel here in town after Packing Day, depending on when our HHE (Household Effects) will arrive in Thompson; a night or two in a hotel at the other end, depending on how long it takes to unload and organize the house, and food for the entire duration. It's all part of the IAM & MRA (Interim Accommodations & Miscellaneous Relocation Allowance).

Told you there were a lot of acronyms.

One of the many stated goals of the IRP is to make the move as easy as possible for the RCMP members and their families. And while no move is easy, it really seems like they've done what they can to help. Even babysitters are covered, when necessary, to make packing and unpacking that much easier.

On paper, so far, it all looks good. I'll let you know how reality meshes with theory as we move along.

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