Thursday, November 19, 2009

Over the Counter or Under Lock and Key

Found a new thing to be irritated about. It's okay, I write better when I'm irritated.

So, woke up yesterday morning and, according to my get-the-head-straight regimen, managed a shower and a shave. Left the nose hairs alone. I like the shaggy, one-day's-growth look.

Managed to get the boys fed and the kitchen cleaned by 9 a.m. Yay me!

Now I should point out that the three of us are feeling a little like crap. It's a sinus thing and it really hits at night. During the day, when we're all vertical, the sinuses drain a little better. But at night, when we're horizontal, they fill up and we all end up breathing the dry air through our mouths, giving us sore throats. And thus, we are all a tad crusty.

Nevertheless, we were short on milk and fruit yesterday, necessitating a trip to the grocery store. These voyages, at the best of times, test my patience. Sontoo's generally okay, as he gets to ride the cart. Sonwun, the elder, must walk.

Now then, the carts at Safeway require a 25-cent deposit to separate the one you want from the chain-bound herd. And, once separated, the connection chain hangs down from the handle about 5 inches. This chain is, apparently, the best, most coveted toy in the world.

And I say this based solely upon Sonwun and Sontoo's constant fight for it. Sontoo plays with it from his perch and Sonwun wants to hold on to it while we walk through the aisles. And they both can't get what they want. Thus, I must weigh the irritation value of Sonwun's whining against Sontoo's wailing.

And yes, this was going on yesterday. But that's not what really ticked me off.

Part of the reason for the trip, in addition to bread, milk and all that, was some much needed Extra Strength Tylenol Sinus for Daddy. I get the Day and Night pack because I want that extra kick to help me sleep at night. And I don't need the kick during the day when I need to chase the boys.

Anyway, it wasn't in the regular aisles, so I headed for the pharmacy aisles.

Now before we go any further, I've got to tell you something about Manitoba. It may be just a northern Manitoba thing, but in Thompson I've found that, at Safeway and at Walmart, a lot of the over-the-counter stuff is locked up, or behind the pharmacist's counter. Anything from Listerine and sleep aids to electric razors and cough medicine.

Now I always assumed this was an anti-theft thing. But I was wrong, at least when it came to the Extra Strength Tylenol sinus medication.

It was 9:45 when I arrived at the Safeway pharmacy aisle. I could see the Tylenol in the locked cabinet. I could see the pharmacist behind the glass getting ready to start her day. So I walked over and asked, can I get some of this sinus medication?

"No," she replied. "Sorry, but we can't open the cabinets until 10 a.m.

"Seriously??" I asked.

"Yes, it's the law," she replied. "We could lose our licence."

I have never been denied access to over-the-counter medication in my life. Over-the-counter, in my mind, and in my dictionary, means "by ordinary retail purchase, with no need for a prescription or licence."

Apparently, at Safeway in Thompson, Manitoba, there is a different meaning.

"Is this a Manitoba thing," I asked.

"Yes, it is," she replied. "You'll have to wait until 10."

Well, with two snotty, irritated children competing vigorously for a five-inch piece of chain, I wasn't about to stand around for 15 minutes. That is a very long time for sick and sleep-deprived children to do anything. And an equally long time for a stuffed-up and irritated father to put up with it.

So I didn't get my medication until last night, after mommy got home and I could make the trip to the drug store alone.

But the good news is that I slept fairly well last night. And I suppose the reason, in addition to my sinus medication, is the fact that Sontoo made it through the night without waking as well. So hopefully, that is a sign he is feeling better. Either way, we have a doctor's appointment for both boys today, just to make sure there's nothing to worry about. And I could go on about the health care system in Thompson, Manitoba, but that's a rant for another day.

Happy Thursday.

And here's today's photo: Boy Meets World Wide Web.

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