Sunday, June 28, 2009

Eight Days from Possession

Been away for a while. Sorry about that.

Well, we're 8 days from possession in Thompson and we've got a busy week ahead. Transfer party tonight, sign papers for the home here on Tuesday, pack Thursday, load Friday, hit the road North on Saturday.

In the little bits of space in between, we're cleaning out any crap that needs to find the dump, emptying gas-powered tools, disassembling stuff that needs to be disassembled, cleaning up around the yard and trying to make sure both lawyers, the bank, the CRSP and the RC are all on the same page. It's a tad stressful, but we'll get through.

Last I wrote, I think I was trying to change my address and services with all of the utilities and such. Without going into great detail, it was a trying experience. But in the end it was accomplished.

With MTS, I was looking for 12 months of high-speed internet access at $19.99/month because it had been offered by telemarketers who had erroneously promised me high speed at this house, when it was not available - on three separate occasions. After arguing with the customer service rep for half an hour or so, and after being refused the chance to talk to a supervisor, I called the customer relations department. Kelly listened to my story, was surprised my request for a supervisor was refused and then granted me the deal I was after. She was very pleasant and reasonable. It was nice. Too bad I had to go through the Customer Service Rep prior to speaking with her. But it all worked out.

Bell Television worked out eventually as well. But I had to speak to Dominic, who had a severe French-Canadian accent, for an hour before he finally agreed to let me speak to his supervisor. And, after wasting an hour of my life, I solved the problem with Alan in about 45 seconds. Alan understood what I was saying. Dominic did not.

Both of the stories above could have been separate, lengthy blog entries. I did actually keep notes. But I just didn't feel like rehashing them again.

In any case, we're in move mode now. We've been through the list of non-admissable items and are doing our best to use them up. For supper last night, we had pickles, washed down with olive and canola oil - - no liquids may be transported. For breakfast this morning, I think it will be frozen waffles, covered in syrup, worcesteshire sauce, honey and vodka. Waste not, want not.

I hope to keep up the writing throughout the move, but I can't promise. Busy, busy days ahead. If I can't keep up, then we'll see you in Thompson, once we get settled and that high-speed internet gets hooked up. Woohoo!

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