You'll have to forgive me for dwelling on Sonwun's art, but I'm truly fascinated. In spite of the tongue-in-cheek "critiques" I've offered in the past, I do believe the art is a reflection of what's going on inside his little head. And I just think it's really, really cool to see it expressed on paper.
The latest evolution is stick figure stories.
Up until now, he's pretty much stuck to individual works, Rainbow Hands for example.
But yesterday he really started into the stick figure stories. And again, there was no prompting for it. He just sits at the dining room table and goes about his business while I clean or fold laundry or whatever.
He called me over and showed me his latest work. It was a stick figure standing beside a boxy-looking thing.
"What's that," I asked him.
"It's me, and that's a swing."
"And I'm going to make you," he said, "so you can push me on the swing."
And he did. He drew a bigger stick figure which apparently represented me, standing on the other side of the swing. I just think that's cool.
This morning he drew another picture. This one of two stick figures, one larger, one smaller, standing on either side of a boxy-looking thing that seemed to have a knob or handle on it.
"What's that?"
"That's you and mommy," he said.
"And what's this," I asked, pointing to the box.
"It's the refrigerator. You're getting breakfast for me."
Okay, we don't have arms in the picture, which would make getting breakfast a little more of a challenge, but I do notice we're both smiling. That's kind of a relief for me, as I'm home all day, every day with the boys and, yes, I do get annoyed and frustrated at times with their antics. I'm not always smiling.
It's just nice that, inside that little head, and on paper, I'm still smiling.
Have a great Monday!
1 year ago
What a wonderful post, and great to hear the perspective from a SAHD! My lil one is 1, big bro is it's kinda awesome to now look forward to the possibility of my kiddos drawing me with a smile someday too.