So . . . we didn't end up at Paint Lake yesterday. Instead, we headed to a toboggan hill in town, across from the Tim Horton's. Double bonus.
Went for a few runs, but the boys didn't seem too interested, as the hill was not very fast, due to the warm weather. Sonwun was also not terribly interested in the pull-your-own-toboggan-back-up-the-hill deal.
Neomom had pulled the boys to the hill in their little red wagon. I won it at the RCMP golf tournament a few years back and it has served us well. But the wheels are bent and the boys don't quite fit any more. Well, they fit, but they fight and whine over foot space, which makes our little walks more than annoying.
And so, armed with two Canadian Tire gift cards, we left the hill and headed for the store to replace said wagon. Too early. They had one type of wagon in stock and it was larger, but still plastic, with plastic wheels. And for the walks we intend to take come spring, we'll need something a little more sturdy. So the wagon will wait.
Instead, we used our gift cards to buy much needed dinnerware. The stuff we have, and have had for the last eight years, is badly chipped. Neomom's been searching for the right replacements for about six months now. And, believe it or not, we found something acceptable at Canadian Tire. (Not too many options up here— pretty much Canadian Tire or Walmart).
And, as we had the boys in tow, we got suckered into some Lightning McQueen dinnerware as well. Fair enough.
We followed that up with a trip to Quiznos for lunch, and the video store for some evening's entertainment.
All in all a good day. Neomom has a week "off" and will be working through it to catch up on her homework. But she took yesterday off off and spent it with us. Which was great!
But today, as I write this at 7 a.m., she's outside taking tire print measurements on the minivan. The weather cooperated last night and delivered a light snowfall, which makes getting the impressions and measurements possible. It's one more thing she can check off on the long list of assignments she must complete this year.
The boys and I will go grocery shopping this morning, Sonwun has preschool this afternoon. That's the plan.
Finally, please keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers. She is going in for surgery on the carcinoid (sp?) tumour tomorrow. No reason to think it won't go well, but all positive energy directed her way is appreciated.
Have a great Tuesday.
1 year ago
Hey, I hope everything went ok for your mom.