Thursday, August 5, 2010

This week . . .

Well, happy Thursday!

One more day until Sonwun gets his cast off. We're all looking forward to it.

While it hasn't slowed him down too much, Sonwun has been frustrated that he can't completely grip the monkey bars, or the handlebars on his little bike. And he hasn't been thrilled with the bag we've had to put on the arm for playing at the beach, or in the little pool in the back yard. One more day . . .

In other news, Sontoo has begun his potty training. The first two or three days have not gone well. He just isn't too concerned about peeing in his undies. He just lets things go and then announces, "I had a accident."

But this morning, we had our first success. After soiling three pairs of underwear, he found his way to the potty and let fly. We made a big fuss, gave him a little reward and he seemed genuinely excited with the success. So we'll see how that pans out.

Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, I got my Pleasure Craft Operator Card this week. And that means I'm allowed to do what I've been doing since I was 16: drive a pleasure craft on the water.

Can't say I'm too thrilled about having to get it. To me, it just seems like another tax, because that's what it is.

I had to read 8 "modules" covering everything from mandatory equipment for various boat sizes, to what a whole mess of buoys mean, depending on size, location and colour combination. Most of it was either obvious stuff I was well aware of (don't drink and boat, don't smoke while filling the gas tank, wear a lifejacket) or it was crap that will never likely mean anything to me, (such as which wind speed qualifies for a storm warning as opposed to a small craft advisory) as all of my boating takes place on inland lakes.

But, under the law now, I must have this little card that says I passed the little test.

So why do I see it as just another tax? Well, I completed it all on line, which suggests to me that the government doesn't take it all that seriously. Sure, I was required to have a "supervisor" watch me take the test and make sure I didn't cheat. The supervisor could not be a family member. My neighbour Dave stepped in.

The test consisted of 36 multiple choice questions and, having read all eight modules once over, it took me about four minutes to complete. I did not cheat.

The time allowed to take the test is 45 minutes. So, if someone wanted to cheat, this gives them plenty of time to look up the answers . . . easily. I mean, it's multiple choice. You either know the answer or you don't. And there's only 36 questions.

This tells me the government is more concerned with collecting the $40 or so dollars for the "lifetime" operator's card than it is with people actually knowing this vital material.

So the federal government got its cash, I got my licence. yay.

Anyhoo, that's been the week so far. I have another story, but I don't yet know how to tell it without offending anyone. I'll keep working on it.

Have a great day!

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