Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Haven't blogged for a while. Having a tough time getting started again. So, prepare for yet another stream-of-consciousness blurb. It's kind of like the writers way of turning over an old engine again and again and again, hoping against hope it will spring to life. It was more common in cars 30 years ago. Sigh.

Anyway . . .

Was listening to the TV yesterday when a commercial came on for some insurance company. It opened with the cheesy line "In these uncertain times . . ."

It got me thinking. What's so uncertain about these times? Have there ever been certain times? When and what were they like? And when did they end? Did they end suddenly, or were there semi-certain times as kind of a bridge?

Am I the only one who wonders these things?


So, I stepped into the, I don't know, early 2000s last week. I got an iPhone, 4S to be specific. And I learned I'm old.

Let's forget that the damn thing retails for around $700. Yeah, I know, cheaper when you sign up for three years of usage. I was kind of prepared for that. Wasn't prepared for the chipper little boy at the MTS store to try and justify the cost of the 3-year plan.

"Well sir," (little fucker called me sir), "the phone company does absorb most of the cost of the phone."

"Yes son, I'm sure it does. And I'm sure it does so out of the goodness of its cold little heart, NOT because it's making gobs of money. Stop talking, grow up and show me how to turn the damn thing on."

So why get a new phone? I don't know. I guess it's because I was at the first practice of my son's baseball season a week or two back and the team manager told me that news of rain-outs and stuff would be texted to parents.

I have never understood texting. Why do it? Too much work. Why not call? It's more personal. And in these uncertain times, we all need more friends, more personal contact, blah, blah, blah.

Well, bottom line here is, apparently, the bottom line. It's just cheaper to text. Or "free" to text, according to Chipper. So what am I paying for? Nothing's free son. It's built into the cost. Stop saying "free." Now how do I turn it off?

Anyway, I am enjoying the new phone. Was pretty sure I would. I love the way it works with my computer. It talks to my computer and they share stuff. It's nice. They have the same taste in music, friends and leisure activity. Perfect match. And they share it all with me.

Vomit. Engine failed to start. If I keep trying, I'm gonna burn out the starter. And my will to blog.

Will try again tomorrow. Maybe.


  1. LOL! I didn't think you were all old until you wrote "Well Son" haha! Awesome.

    You know what else is awesome? Texting. And Cards. And coke in your rye. All . . . wait for it . . . awesome!

  2. I have to say I love texting. For years I've felt like calling people is an intrusion. I'd rather text or email and people can read it on their own time. Does that move me a rank lower in the "technology/anti-social" ladder? : )
