Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gettin' Older

Well, Happy Tuesday.

A friend recently reminded me that "gettin' older ain't for sissies."

So true.

We've been working hard for the last day or two to put the finishing touches on Sonwun's new bedroom. And we're just about there. Last night he slept in it, all alone, for the first time. To our surprise, he even requested we shut the door.

This is a kid who wanted a night light in the hallway, outside his shared bedroom, only a few months ago.

Oh, but the gettin' older thing. On Sunday, we were finally ready to lay the new laminate floor. It's not that difficult a task, physically or otherwise. Yeah, you gotta bend down and get up a couple hundred times, and run up and down the stairs to the garage to cut pieces down to size. But that's no biggie, right?

Wrong. My legs, my butt, my back . . . all feeling stiff sore and, well, old on Monday. Nevertheless, I managed to get most of the baseboard in place, complaining a lot, before running out to get more. I expect to get it all finished today.

This means that Sonwun now has the Batman dream room he's always wanted. And Sontoo's Cars-themed room is pretty much complete as well. And that means there are only three rooms in the house that are still in some stage of demolition/reconstruction. Not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel just yet.

Oh, and speaking of getting older . . . Tomorrow Sontoo will celebrate is first real birthday and his fourth year on the planet. Yes, a Leap Year baby. A party is planned and it should be a good time.

I was gonna rant a little about Chicken Little Bob Rae and about the Liberals having to deal with one of their people using a House of Commons computer to harass a Conservative Member of Parliament. Boy, gotta suck when you're trying to piss on the other party's ethics and something like this pops up, eh Bob?

Anyhoo, we'll save that for another day.

Have a great Tuesday.

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