So . . . we went out to see a movie last night. It has been a long, long time.
Given our locations, and the age of our children over the last several years, a trip to the theatre has never been in the cards. Not that I'm complaining.
I lost my enthusiasm for the theatre right around the time tickets headed over the $8 mark and popcorn started selling for $5 a box. (And that was a while ago). It was around that time, as well, that it felt like movie theatres were bent on destroying my hearing. And movie makers, it seems, collectively decided that dialogue should be kept at the lowest decibel levels, setting you up for the sound of a, oh, I don't know, a door opening, at the highest decibel levels, right up there with car chases and gunfire. It just felt like an assault.
I much prefer the sharp screen on my TV, where I control the volume and eat much, much cheaper popcorn.
But, the theatre is an experience, and life is made up of experiences
So, when Toy Story 3 hit the Strand Theatre in Thompson, I felt it was time for the boys to expand their viewing resume.
Now, I should point out that The Strand is located in the worst part of Thompson, in what appears to be a run-down row of attached buildings that includes a homeless shelter, bar, restaurant and a few other places that I'd rather not take Sonwun and Sontoo.
But we asked around and we were told it wasn't all that bad. Hmmmm.
Sontoo, at 2.5 years of age, is a big fan of the Toy Story saga. On rainy days, when I need a little quiet, I can count on two hours of silence if I pop in Toy Story 2. He plays with his Woody and Buzz action figures regularly and, sometimes in the morning, the first sound I hear from his bedroom is a small voice proclaiming "There's a snake in my boot."
But show time was 7:30, about half an hour past his bedtime. Wasn't sure he'd make it through. Decided to risk it.
Sonwun, on the other hand, prefers his Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Flash movies. But he did enjoy the Toy Story movies for one or two viewings each. I was pretty sure he'd be up for number 3.
Anyhoo, The Strand was like stepping back in time, to the Lincoln Theatre in St. Catharines where I saw my first movies.
It is not a multiplex kinda place. There's one theatre, one movie, seats and screen circa 1979.
For myself, Neomom and the boys, we paid $26 for tickets. $9.50 for popcorn and drinks. The movie started about 10 minutes late, which is something to consider when you're trying to keep young 'uns occupied right around bed time.
But overall, I was pleasantly surprised. The theatre was relatively clean, the staff was efficient and the boys loved the movie . . . mostly.
I loved having Sontoo sit on my lap for much of the screening (no choice as the spring, that pops the seat up when not in use, was too much for his little legs and he got folded into the chair a couple of times.)
He stayed awake for the entire movie and was kind enough to crash immediately upon returning home.
Sonwun, while he enjoyed the whole popcorn, root beer and "biggest TV ever" movie experience, was a little put off just a little by the scary monkey in the movie. I won't say much beyond that, in case you haven't seen it.
But I will say that, given the age bracket of the fan base, I don't think it was necessary. We'll leave it there.
Anyhoo, that was my night last night. No major complaints, good experience and a good night's sleep.
Happy Thursday!
1 year ago
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