Monday, December 14, 2009

Just some Stuff

Happy Monday!

Getting a late start writing this morning, as I enjoyed my coffee with a new James Patterson novel just a little too much this morning.

Okay, the novel is not new, but it's new to me. It's Mary Mary, for you Patterson fans, and I picked it up at the Thompson Library last night, along with Cradle and All. I have them for three weeks, but it usually only takes me two or three days to get through one, depending on how active the boys are. When they are really quiet, I can finish one off in 24 hours, but it's rare.

It was my first successful trip to the library here. I've taken the kids one other time, on a Monday at 11 a.m., and it was closed (??). Last night was a solo trip, part of my half-hour of freedom after Neomom got home from work. But now I have a copy of the library's hours of operation and plan to make it a more regular thing, not only for me during "free time" but with the boys as well during the long winter days. I hear they have a Friday afternoon program for kids. Must check it out.

For those keeping track, it's -31 this morning with a windchill of -43. It's supposed to warm up to -24 later today. Sunrise in Thompson is now at 8:54 a.m. and sunset is at 3:58 p.m.

So yesterday, I actually went for a nice, brisk half-hour walk. Yes, it was on the treadmill, as I'm pretty sure the boys couldn't handle more than five minutes outside right now. And it's not worth the 10 minutes it would take them to dress for the occasion and the 10 minutes of undressing after.

The treadmill, which was purchased two or three years ago, has been used sporadically since its arrival. It's been virtually unused since we moved to Thompson.

But with the furniture and a television in the rec room now, I can plunk the boys down with some toys and a video and get a little exercise while they are otherwise occupied. It is good and it is something I really need to continue.

It's not only good for the overall, general health aspect, but it's great for helping to keep my blood sugar levels stable. I hope to walk and run five days a week, taking breaks on Wednesdays and Fridays, as it conflicts with playgroup.

Anyway, that's all I've got today. And, due to my reading this morning, I didn't even get a photo for the day. Sorry if you enjoy that part.

It is now 6:18 and I hear Sontoo squawking. My day begins.

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